Dental surgery

A specialist in oral, dental, jaw and facial surgery is actually a dentist who, after completing his general dentistry course in dental schools, also completed a complete and comprehensive course of oral and dental surgery in a hospital. This surgeon has spent 4 years under the supervision of different professors in the hospital and finds the possibility of performing any surgical intervention in the mouth, jaw and face area.

The oral and dental surgeon is able to perform specific surgeries such as treating the remaining root in the gums with the aim of preserving the rest of the root and crown or providing access to hidden teeth such as canines that the orthodontist intends to move to the original location with the help of orthodontic mechanics. Ash moves it.


What is oral surgery?

Oral and dental surgery refers to all surgeries that can be performed on the teeth, gums, jaw, or structures around the mouth and face. These surgeries include a range of procedures, including tooth extractions, bone grafting, periodontal (gum) grafting, and corrective jaw surgery.

But the most common work in this field is tooth extraction. We do not mean simple and accessible tooth extraction. A general dentist also does this. Tooth extraction by the surgeon means the remaining teeth and root extraction.

What is the duty of an oral and dental surgeon?
This expertise has a very wide scope. From tooth extraction to the treatment of facial fractures, all are within the scope of this specialty. Oral and dental surgeons must be able to treat the following after obtaining a degree. Treatment of diseases related to:
cranial vault
the face


Types of dental surgery

Dental surgery includes any therapeutic surgery aimed at correcting the condition of the teeth. In the following, we will mention some of the most common dental surgeries.

Endodontic surgeries

This type of surgery is performed on the lower part or root of the tooth:

Root canal: Nerve removal
Pulpotomy: cutting the nerve tissue from the coronal part of the tooth in order to dry the infection
Pulpectomy: removal of tooth vein and nerve to stop pain during root canal
Picoectomy: When denervation is not enough to relieve the pain, the nerve of that tooth is cut from the highest part.
Prosthodentic surgeries (implantation of artificial parts of teeth)

Dental implants are a good alternative for toothless areas. Many questions about this type of surgery have occupied people's minds. Therefore, in the following, we examine the types of Prosthodontic surgeries.

Dental crowns (caps):

A dental crown is a type of cap in the shape of a tooth, which is placed on the tooth to cover and restore the size and appearance of the tooth, as well as to strengthen the tooth.

After being installed in the desired location, dental crowns completely or partially cover the visible part of the tooth up to the gum line, depending on the purpose of application or oral health.

Among the applications of dental crown reconstruction, we can mention the improvement of the appearance of filled teeth, the strength of artificial teeth, and as a cover for implant bases.

In addition, in cases where the tooth decay is very high, artificial dental crowns are also used to correct the smile design. There are differences between temporary and permanent dental crowns.

Among these differences, we can point out the possibility of making temporary dental crowns in the dentist's office because fixed dental crowns must be made in the laboratory. As we said, temporary dental crowns are mostly made of metal or metal alloys and acrylic-based materials.

Permanent crowns are made of stainless steel, all metals such as gold or any other alloy, porcelain and metal, all types of resins or completely ceramic. In the following, we will examine each of these crowns.

1. Stainless steel crowns:

This type of dental crown is prefabricated and used temporarily instead of permanent teeth. In fact, this type of dental crown is placed on the tooth or filling to protect it until a permanent crown of another material is made for the tooth.

Stainless steel crowns are mostly used for children to protect their milk teeth and are a very economical and affordable method. In such a way that the crown is placed on the entire tooth like a cover and does not allow the tooth to decay. When the child's permanent teeth grow in, the stainless steel crown will come out naturally.

2. Metal crowns:

Metals used in dental crowns are alloys that contain a lot of gold or platinum, cobalt-chromium and nickel-chromium. These types of crowns are very resistant to forces such as chewing and biting.


For this reason, their longevity and durability is also suitable. Metal crowns do not crack or break, but their main problem is their color and very high price. These types of dental crowns are suitable for back teeth that do not have much visibility.

3. Full resin crowns:

The price of this type of dental crowns is lower than their other types. But the main problem of all-resin crowns is their wear and tear after a short period of time.

4. All-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns:

These types of crowns have better color coordination and have more natural colors. Ceramic or porcelain crowns are very suitable for people who are allergic to metals, and you can choose a color that matches the other teeth. This type of crown is mostly used for front teeth.

5. Porcelain and metal dental crowns or combined dental crowns:

Composite dental crowns have the possibility of color matching with adjacent teeth. Note that Dan's wear and tear

The adjacent grains of this type of dental crown are more than its all-resin or metal type. Also, the part made of porcelain may break or crack.

It should be noted that composite dental crowns have better compatibility with natural teeth. In any case, combined dental crowns are the best option for front and back teeth, and in some cases they are also used as long bridges.

the cover:

There are different types of dental veneers. Veneers are mainly used to restore teeth. The cover is attached to the implant or tooth root using prosthetic glue or screws. If you want to remove the cover, you should see a dentist. Covers are mainly made of ceramic.


They are a set of two or more dental crowns that are used like a bridge to fill the space of one (or more) pulled teeth.


It is a process in which a base part is placed inside the bone (upper or lower jaw) and left to heal completely. A few months later, an artificial tooth is placed on this base.